The transnational project meeting for the Erasmus+ project “No Enemies Violence – Equal Rights (NEVER)” took place at the partner school Gimnazjum nr 2 w Zespole Szkol Gimnazjum i Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace w Dobrzejewicach, Poland. The meeting was attended by teams formed by teachers and project coordinators from each partner school:
1 - Spojena skola Martin, Slovakia,
2 - Stredni prumyslova skola Chrudim, Czech Republic,
3 - Lokman Hekim Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey,
4 - Istituto di Istruzione superiore Francesco Degni, Italy,
5 - Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde, Portugal,
6 - Gimnazjum nr 2 w Zespole Szkol im. Prymasa Stefana Kardynala Wyszynskiego, Poland.
Altogether, in the whole international team there were 11 teachers.
The project activities were carried out as follows:
teachers were welcomed by by the school officials and representatives of local authorities;
representatives of local authorities were informed about the objectives of the project;
teachers from the partner countries presented their countries and schools during a meeting with participants, including Polish students involved in the project;
all participants had a chance to see the Erasmus+ corner: a display of information and materials concerning each of the partner country;
teachers responded to questions prepared by the students;
participants - coordinators from all countries and teachers from project teams took part in the training about: the rules of project management and its implementation, principles of project financing, controlling the budget, cooperation with local authorities, parents, other institutions and organizations;
coordinator from Slovakia presented the operation of the eTwinning platform and spoke about the promotion and dissemination of project activities, products and results of the project;
duties of each partner and scheduled tasks were discussed point by point;
teachers received certificates confirming participation in the visit and were bid farewell by the hosts of the meeting - the headmaster and Polish teachers.
Dobrzejewice, 21st November 2014
Polish coordinator
Aneta Dobrzyńska
Čáslavská 973, 537 01 Chrudim
Telefon: 602 865 631